Fire Damage Photo Gallery

Contents in Storage
SERVPRO of Sothern McHenry County specializes in restoring contents damaged by water, fire, or mold. Our expertise and “restore” versus “replace” mentality can help you save money while preserving precious keepsakes that can’t be replaced. We pretest your belongings to determine what items we can restore to pre-fire condition. Along with that we can store your belongings at our warehouse until the reconstruction is completed.

Thousands of fires are sparked each year by clogged dryer vents
Every year clothes dryers spark fires. Lint and other debris can build up in your dryer vent, reducing air flow to the dryer, backing up dryer exhaust gases, creating a fire hazard. Clothes dryers are an appliance that make our lives easier but we often take them for granted. We shouldn't, we need to maintain them and most importantly have their vents cleaned. The first sign of troubles that you might have a clog is when your dryer stops drying your clothes in one cycle. That means the dryer works harder and heat builds up and that is what can lead to a dryer vent fire.
SERVPRO can clean these vents. Please call 847-516-1600.

Algonquin Fire Damaged Garage
This garage had a cigarette thrown into a plastic waste can that left a sooty and charred mess behind at this Algonquin home. SERVPRO techs work to quickly eliminate the migration of smoke and odors to the main house by washing the ceiling, floors, and walls. This was done as soon as the debris is removed and it is safe to work inside.

Subrogation Against Dryer Manufacture
This fire was caused by dryer malfunction was located in Crystal Lake, IL. Before we could start the fire mitigation the insurance company had the cause of fire investigate. The insurance company after it’s investigations had determined that the dryer malfunctioned. Because the dryer started the fire and it was still under warranty the insurance company was able to start a subrogation process.
Subrogation refers to an insurance company seeking reimbursement from the person or entity legally responsible for an accident after the insurer has paid out money on behalf of its insured. In this case the insurance company was able to collect the full cost of repairs and cleaning from the manufacture. The insured was not even responsible for the deductible. A win win for everybody.

Fireplace Smoke Puff Back
It’s a cold winter evening and you decide to light a fire. Great idea!
However, this homeowner was expecting that the smoke to go up the chimney and not come pouring into the family room. Ugh. You’re wondering now if this back puffing is caused by a serious problem, a fluke breeze or by Uncle George’s failed Boy Scout merit badge in fire starting. You suddenly realize I forgotten to open the fireplace damper. Smoke has gotten into the family room and rest of the house.
How am I going to clean this soot up? It’s on the walls, ceiling, and floors. You look around and soot is on the furniture also.
It’s time to call SERVPRO of Southern McHenry County at 847-516-1600.
Basement Fire Belvidere IL
The fire started in the basement and quickly damaged structural materials. When allowed to enter the home, we initiated a demolition to clean up the interior prior to starting the fire damage restoration service. Our SERVPRO technicians set up ozone machines and air scrubber to reclaim acceptable levels of indoor air quality. Deodorizing the affected areas completed the initial phase of our fire damage restoration service in this Belvidere IL. All the contents were packed out and stored until the reconstruction was completed. Once reconstruction was completed we packed in the contents.